A List Of Biology Research Paper Topics For College Students
Biology is an interesting subject, one that you can learn so much from. If you have been asked to write a good paper in biology, one of the most important things that you have to focus on is getting yourself a good topic. Finding a good topic in biology is as important to you as finding a good topic in any other subject for that matter. In most cases, your tutors will actually use your topic to determine whether you really have put in some effort in the assignment, or if you are just playing around with the task. The following are some simple topics that you can use to write some really good papers:
- Genetics and obesity: here you will take a look at the link between these two elements, and determine which types of genes are normally associated with obesity, and also explain why this happens. Before you complete the paper, make sure that you provide recommendations on how this can be prevented in the future.
- Abortion and future pregnancies: what is the effect that having an abortion will have on the mother in the future? Considering the fact that abortion is currently a sensitive topic in the world, you can be sure that this topic will most certainly get you attention. Remember to argue your points with facts
- Genetics and homosexuality: there are people who normally say they were born gay, or they feel like they are trapped in a body that is not theirs. Interestingly enough there has been research into this and there is some truth in the fact that some people might actually be born attracted to the same sex instead of members of the opposite sex.
- Biological weaponry: what is your take on the use of biological weapons? Do you think the powerful nations are using poor nations as a testing ground to see how biological weapons work? Case in point, argue as to whether or not the Ebola virus is an infection or a biological weapon.
- Alternative medicine: over the years there has been a prevalence in the use of alternative medicine over the conventional hospital and prescription medication. Do you really alternative medicines really work, or is it just another passing cloud whose time to die will come?
These are really insightful topics that should make your work easier when you are supposed to write a biology paper.